

Even if you always forgot to say thanks,
you don't meet me much,
you don't miss me as much as I do,
you can hardly reply my texts,
you sometimes ignore me while you're online,
or even if you forgot my birthday,

your existence, your style, your knowledge, your care, your smile, your fear, your mysterious acts, and your 'Hi', can absolutely make me smile. I like everything about you, and that makes me wanna stop the time because I know the thought of you're leaving soon is killing me. But even though you're having your own world and I have mine, and you can't always be there for me whenever I feel like talking to you, I'm glad to have a chance to know you.

And do you know what I like the most from you? That you always have explanation for what I'm thinking about, and that can always satisfy me. Thanks so much.

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