
I assume that no interviewer reads this

Please describe your SWOT (and heck this is the most difficult question ever).

It seems to me that this is the most popular question if I want to involve myself in almost everything. The problem is, I may be able to talk good shits about myself in other types of question but never this one. It's not that I'm such a horrible person that I'm afraid my weaknesses and threats are unbeatable and my strengths and opportunities sound too cliche. It's just, I never think that I'm good enough and I don't know yet how to overcome those weaknesses and threats. If I were the interviewer hearing people talking about them SWOT, I would personally think that it's a nonsense one can easily say how to overcome their weaknesses and threats while they are still doing it.

Ah, I sound (too) cynical (again). There are many assumptions of this and you can't blame me because my almost a year economic study teaches me to assume in every kind of situation. Perhaps this writing means I'm too 'mysterious' even me myself can't discover. Or I'm too bad that I don't think my strengths can beat my weaknesses. Or I'm too good that I can't think of any possible weaknesses I might have (err kidding). Or simply I'm too lazy to tell you what I have and would rather say 'come, hang around, and you'll see' (to quote: Britney's good old song: sometimes). Whatever it is, I don't like the above question and I know I can't skip it in order that I can pass the selection because I'm thinking about my CV now and how good it will be if I put those events on it. So, don't blame (and laugh at) me if I say one of my weaknesses is I'm a very moody person that I think I change every 5 seconds and how to overcome it is by being less sensitive and try to be happy in doing everything. Don't ask me how to do that, it's another bullshit a system creates.

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