
Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray

"Strength lies in differences, not in similarities"

I might not know how it feels to be kicked out, to be discriminated (well not really), to be forgotten, or to be written off. I might never do something really big to be remembered or something so influential to people. But that doesn't change the way I feel towards these people, whom I'm sure know that what they've done has affected ones' lives.

A couple of hour wasn't long, but it was enough for me to see that even when things go wrong, you're never alone. Even when things don't go out as you expected, you can still have a great time. Even when things are so complicated you don't even know who to blame, little and simple things can still lighten your days up. From this little family I learned that its not the things you see that matters, its what you do to the things that people see. And in a small room they called house, I feel home.

P.S: Though I'm sure my parents won't ever read this here, happy anniversary! I wish the ups and the downs and whatever that counts will always be around for a long long time.

PPS: I know what I did to the title shut up!

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